
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /*
   3  * linux/arch/arm/kernel/entry-v7m.S
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Ltd.
   6  *
   7  * Low-level vector interface routines for the ARMv7-M architecture
   8  */
   9 #include <asm/memory.h>
  10 #include <asm/glue.h>
  11 #include <asm/thread_notify.h>
  12 #include <asm/v7m.h>
  14 #include "entry-header.S"
  17 #error "CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS not supported on the current ARMv7M implementation"
  18 #endif
  20 __invalid_entry:
  21         v7m_exception_entry
  22 #ifdef CONFIG_PRINTK
  23         adr     r0, strerr
  24         mrs     r1, ipsr
  25         mov     r2, lr
  26         bl      printk
  27 #endif
  28         mov     r0, sp
  29         bl      show_regs
  30 1:      b       1b
  31 ENDPROC(__invalid_entry)
  33 strerr: .asciz  "\nUnhandled exception: IPSR = %08lx LR = %08lx\n"
  35         .align  2
  36 __irq_entry:
  37         v7m_exception_entry
  39         @
  40         @ Invoke the IRQ handler
  41         @
  42         mrs     r0, ipsr
  43         ldr     r1, =V7M_xPSR_EXCEPTIONNO
  44         and     r0, r1
  45         sub     r0, #16
  46         mov     r1, sp
  47         stmdb   sp!, {lr}
  48         @ routine called with r0 = irq number, r1 = struct pt_regs *
  49         bl      nvic_handle_irq
  51         pop     {lr}
  52         @
  53         @ Check for any pending work if returning to user
  54         @
  55         ldr     r1, =BASEADDR_V7M_SCB
  56         ldr     r0, [r1, V7M_SCB_ICSR]
  57         tst     r0, V7M_SCB_ICSR_RETTOBASE
  58         beq     2f
  60         get_thread_info tsk
  61         ldr     r2, [tsk, #TI_FLAGS]
  62         tst     r2, #_TIF_WORK_MASK
  63         beq     2f                      @ no work pending
  64         mov     r0, #V7M_SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET
  65         str     r0, [r1, V7M_SCB_ICSR]  @ raise PendSV
  67 2:
  68         @ registers r0-r3 and r12 are automatically restored on exception
  69         @ return. r4-r7 were not clobbered in v7m_exception_entry so for
  70         @ correctness they don't need to be restored. So only r8-r11 must be
  71         @ restored here. The easiest way to do so is to restore r0-r7, too.
  72         ldmia   sp!, {r0-r11}
  73         add     sp, #PT_REGS_SIZE-S_IP
  74         cpsie   i
  75         bx      lr
  76 ENDPROC(__irq_entry)
  78 __pendsv_entry:
  79         v7m_exception_entry
  81         ldr     r1, =BASEADDR_V7M_SCB
  82         mov     r0, #V7M_SCB_ICSR_PENDSVCLR
  83         str     r0, [r1, V7M_SCB_ICSR]  @ clear PendSV
  85         @ execute the pending work, including reschedule
  86         get_thread_info tsk
  87         mov     why, #0
  88         b       ret_to_user_from_irq
  89 ENDPROC(__pendsv_entry)
  91 /*
  92  * Register switch for ARMv7-M processors.
  93  * r0 = previous task_struct, r1 = previous thread_info, r2 = next thread_info
  94  * previous and next are guaranteed not to be the same.
  95  */
  96 ENTRY(__switch_to)
  97         .fnstart
  98         .cantunwind
  99         add     ip, r1, #TI_CPU_SAVE
 100         stmia   ip!, {r4 - r11}         @ Store most regs on stack
 101         str     sp, [ip], #4
 102         str     lr, [ip], #4
 103         mov     r5, r0
 104         add     r4, r2, #TI_CPU_SAVE
 105         ldr     r0, =thread_notify_head
 106         mov     r1, #THREAD_NOTIFY_SWITCH
 107         bl      atomic_notifier_call_chain
 108         mov     ip, r4
 109         mov     r0, r5
 110         ldmia   ip!, {r4 - r11}         @ Load all regs saved previously
 111         ldr     sp, [ip]
 112         ldr     pc, [ip, #4]!
 113         .fnend
 114 ENDPROC(__switch_to)
 116         .data
 117 #if CONFIG_CPU_V7M_NUM_IRQ <= 112
 118         .align  9
 119 #else
 120         .align  10
 121 #endif
 123 /*
 124  * Vector table (Natural alignment need to be ensured)
 125  */
 126 ENTRY(vector_table)
 127         .long   0                       @ 0 - Reset stack pointer
 128         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 1 - Reset
 129         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 2 - NMI
 130         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 3 - HardFault
 131         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 4 - MemManage
 132         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 5 - BusFault
 133         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 6 - UsageFault
 134         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 7 - Reserved
 135         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 8 - Reserved
 136         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 9 - Reserved
 137         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 10 - Reserved
 138         .long   vector_swi              @ 11 - SVCall
 139         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 12 - Debug Monitor
 140         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 13 - Reserved
 141         .long   __pendsv_entry          @ 14 - PendSV
 142         .long   __invalid_entry         @ 15 - SysTick
 143         .rept   CONFIG_CPU_V7M_NUM_IRQ
 144         .long   __irq_entry             @ External Interrupts
 145         .endr
 146         .align  2
 147         .globl  exc_ret
 148 exc_ret:
 149         .space  4

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */