
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. net2272_reg_addr
  2. net2272_write
  3. net2272_read
  4. net2272_ep_write
  5. net2272_ep_read
  6. allow_status
  7. set_halt
  8. clear_halt
  9. set_fifo_bytecount

   1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
   2 /*
   3  * PLX NET2272 high/full speed USB device controller
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 PLX Technology, Inc.
   6  * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Analog Devices, Inc.
   7  */
   9 #ifndef __NET2272_H__
  10 #define __NET2272_H__
  12 /* Main Registers */
  13 #define REGADDRPTR                      0x00
  14 #define REGDATA                         0x01
  15 #define IRQSTAT0                        0x02
  16 #define         ENDPOINT_0_INTERRUPT                    0
  17 #define         ENDPOINT_A_INTERRUPT                    1
  18 #define         ENDPOINT_B_INTERRUPT                    2
  19 #define         ENDPOINT_C_INTERRUPT                    3
  20 #define         VIRTUALIZED_ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT          4
  21 #define         SETUP_PACKET_INTERRUPT                  5
  22 #define         DMA_DONE_INTERRUPT                      6
  23 #define         SOF_INTERRUPT                           7
  24 #define IRQSTAT1                        0x03
  25 #define         CONTROL_STATUS_INTERRUPT                1
  26 #define         VBUS_INTERRUPT                          2
  27 #define         SUSPEND_REQUEST_INTERRUPT               3
  28 #define         SUSPEND_REQUEST_CHANGE_INTERRUPT        4
  29 #define         RESUME_INTERRUPT                        5
  30 #define         ROOT_PORT_RESET_INTERRUPT               6
  31 #define         RESET_STATUS                            7
  32 #define PAGESEL                         0x04
  33 #define DMAREQ                          0x1c
  34 #define         DMA_ENDPOINT_SELECT                     0
  35 #define         DREQ_POLARITY                           1
  36 #define         DACK_POLARITY                           2
  37 #define         EOT_POLARITY                            3
  38 #define         DMA_CONTROL_DACK                        4
  39 #define         DMA_REQUEST_ENABLE                      5
  40 #define         DMA_REQUEST                             6
  41 #define         DMA_BUFFER_VALID                        7
  42 #define SCRATCH                         0x1d
  43 #define IRQENB0                         0x20
  44 #define         ENDPOINT_0_INTERRUPT_ENABLE             0
  45 #define         ENDPOINT_A_INTERRUPT_ENABLE             1
  46 #define         ENDPOINT_B_INTERRUPT_ENABLE             2
  47 #define         ENDPOINT_C_INTERRUPT_ENABLE             3
  49 #define         SETUP_PACKET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE           5
  50 #define         DMA_DONE_INTERRUPT_ENABLE               6
  51 #define         SOF_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                    7
  52 #define IRQENB1                         0x21
  53 #define         VBUS_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                   2
  54 #define         SUSPEND_REQUEST_INTERRUPT_ENABLE        3
  56 #define         RESUME_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                 5
  57 #define         ROOT_PORT_RESET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE        6
  58 #define LOCCTL                          0x22
  59 #define         DATA_WIDTH                              0
  60 #define         LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT                      1
  61 #define                 LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_OFF                  0
  62 #define                 LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_3_75MHZ              1
  63 #define                 LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_7_5MHZ               2
  64 #define                 LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_15MHZ                3
  65 #define                 LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_30MHZ                4
  66 #define                 LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_60MHZ                5
  67 #define         DMA_SPLIT_BUS_MODE                      4
  68 #define         BYTE_SWAP                               5
  69 #define         BUFFER_CONFIGURATION                    6
  70 #define                 BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA512_EPB512      0
  71 #define                 BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA1024_EPB512     1
  72 #define                 BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA1024_EPB1024    2
  73 #define                 BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA1024DB          3
  74 #define CHIPREV_LEGACY                  0x23
  75 #define                 NET2270_LEGACY_REV                      0x40
  76 #define LOCCTL1                         0x24
  77 #define         DMA_MODE                                0
  78 #define                 SLOW_DREQ                               0
  79 #define                 FAST_DREQ                               1
  80 #define                 BURST_MODE                              2
  81 #define         DMA_DACK_ENABLE                         2
  82 #define CHIPREV_2272                    0x25
  83 #define                 CHIPREV_NET2272_R1                      0x10
  84 #define                 CHIPREV_NET2272_R1A                     0x11
  85 /* USB Registers */
  86 #define USBCTL0                         0x18
  87 #define         IO_WAKEUP_ENABLE                        1
  88 #define         USB_DETECT_ENABLE                       3
  89 #define         USB_ROOT_PORT_WAKEUP_ENABLE             5
  90 #define USBCTL1                         0x19
  91 #define         VBUS_PIN                                0
  92 #define                 USB_FULL_SPEED                          1
  93 #define                 USB_HIGH_SPEED                          2
  94 #define         GENERATE_RESUME                         3
  95 #define         VIRTUAL_ENDPOINT_ENABLE                 4
  96 #define FRAME0                          0x1a
  97 #define FRAME1                          0x1b
  98 #define OURADDR                         0x30
  99 #define         FORCE_IMMEDIATE                         7
 100 #define USBDIAG                         0x31
 101 #define         FORCE_TRANSMIT_CRC_ERROR                0
 102 #define         PREVENT_TRANSMIT_BIT_STUFF              1
 103 #define         FORCE_RECEIVE_ERROR                     2
 104 #define         FAST_TIMES                              4
 105 #define USBTEST                         0x32
 106 #define         TEST_MODE_SELECT                        0
 107 #define                 NORMAL_OPERATION                        0
 108 #define                 TEST_J                                  1
 109 #define                 TEST_K                                  2
 110 #define                 TEST_SE0_NAK                            3
 111 #define                 TEST_PACKET                             4
 112 #define                 TEST_FORCE_ENABLE                       5
 113 #define XCVRDIAG                        0x33
 114 #define         FORCE_FULL_SPEED                        2
 115 #define         FORCE_HIGH_SPEED                        3
 116 #define         OPMODE                                  4
 117 #define                 NORMAL_OPERATION                        0
 118 #define                 NON_DRIVING                             1
 119 #define                 DISABLE_BITSTUFF_AND_NRZI_ENCODE        2
 120 #define         LINESTATE                               6
 121 #define                 SE0_STATE                               0
 122 #define                 J_STATE                                 1
 123 #define                 K_STATE                                 2
 124 #define                 SE1_STATE                               3
 125 #define VIRTOUT0                        0x34
 126 #define VIRTOUT1                        0x35
 127 #define VIRTIN0                         0x36
 128 #define VIRTIN1                         0x37
 129 #define SETUP0                          0x40
 130 #define SETUP1                          0x41
 131 #define SETUP2                          0x42
 132 #define SETUP3                          0x43
 133 #define SETUP4                          0x44
 134 #define SETUP5                          0x45
 135 #define SETUP6                          0x46
 136 #define SETUP7                          0x47
 137 /* Endpoint Registers (Paged via PAGESEL) */
 138 #define EP_DATA                         0x05
 139 #define EP_STAT0                        0x06
 140 #define         DATA_IN_TOKEN_INTERRUPT                 0
 141 #define         DATA_OUT_TOKEN_INTERRUPT                1
 142 #define         DATA_PACKET_TRANSMITTED_INTERRUPT       2
 143 #define         DATA_PACKET_RECEIVED_INTERRUPT          3
 144 #define         SHORT_PACKET_TRANSFERRED_INTERRUPT      4
 145 #define         NAK_OUT_PACKETS                         5
 146 #define         BUFFER_EMPTY                            6
 147 #define         BUFFER_FULL                             7
 148 #define EP_STAT1                        0x07
 149 #define         TIMEOUT                                 0
 150 #define         USB_OUT_ACK_SENT                        1
 151 #define         USB_OUT_NAK_SENT                        2
 152 #define         USB_IN_ACK_RCVD                         3
 153 #define         USB_IN_NAK_SENT                         4
 154 #define         USB_STALL_SENT                          5
 155 #define         LOCAL_OUT_ZLP                           6
 156 #define         BUFFER_FLUSH                            7
 157 #define EP_TRANSFER0                    0x08
 158 #define EP_TRANSFER1                    0x09
 159 #define EP_TRANSFER2                    0x0a
 160 #define EP_IRQENB                       0x0b
 161 #define         DATA_IN_TOKEN_INTERRUPT_ENABLE          0
 162 #define         DATA_OUT_TOKEN_INTERRUPT_ENABLE         1
 166 #define EP_AVAIL0                       0x0c
 167 #define EP_AVAIL1                       0x0d
 168 #define EP_RSPCLR                       0x0e
 169 #define EP_RSPSET                       0x0f
 170 #define         ENDPOINT_HALT                           0
 171 #define         ENDPOINT_TOGGLE                         1
 172 #define         NAK_OUT_PACKETS_MODE                    2
 173 #define         CONTROL_STATUS_PHASE_HANDSHAKE          3
 174 #define         INTERRUPT_MODE                          4
 175 #define         AUTOVALIDATE                            5
 176 #define         HIDE_STATUS_PHASE                       6
 177 #define         ALT_NAK_OUT_PACKETS                     7
 178 #define EP_MAXPKT0                      0x28
 179 #define EP_MAXPKT1                      0x29
 181 #define                 NONE_ADDITIONAL_TRANSACTION             0
 182 #define                 ONE_ADDITIONAL_TRANSACTION              1
 183 #define                 TWO_ADDITIONAL_TRANSACTION              2
 184 #define EP_CFG                          0x2a
 185 #define         ENDPOINT_NUMBER                         0
 186 #define         ENDPOINT_DIRECTION                      4
 187 #define         ENDPOINT_TYPE                           5
 188 #define         ENDPOINT_ENABLE                         7
 189 #define EP_HBW                          0x2b
 190 #define         HIGH_BANDWIDTH_OUT_TRANSACTION_PID      0
 191 #define                 DATA0_PID                               0
 192 #define                 DATA1_PID                               1
 193 #define                 DATA2_PID                               2
 194 #define                 MDATA_PID                               3
 195 #define EP_BUFF_STATES                  0x2c
 196 #define         BUFFER_A_STATE                          0
 197 #define         BUFFER_B_STATE                          2
 198 #define                 BUFF_FREE                               0
 199 #define                 BUFF_VALID                              1
 200 #define                 BUFF_LCL                                2
 201 #define                 BUFF_USB                                3
 203 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 205 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RDK1      0x9054
 207 /* PCI-RDK EPLD Registers */
 208 #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER1           0x00000000
 209 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_RESET                              0
 210 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_POWERDOWN                          1
 211 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_WAKEUP                             2
 212 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_EOT                                3
 213 #define         RDK_EPLD_DPPULL                                 4
 214 #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER2           0x00000004
 215 #define         RDK_EPLD_BUSWIDTH                               0
 216 #define         RDK_EPLD_USER                                   2
 217 #define         RDK_EPLD_RESET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                 3
 218 #define         RDK_EPLD_DMA_TIMEOUT_ENABLE                     4
 219 #define RDK_EPLD_STATUS_REGISTER        0x00000008
 220 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_LRESET                             0
 221 #define RDK_EPLD_REVISION_REGISTER      0x0000000c
 223 /* PCI-RDK PLX 9054 Registers */
 224 #define INTCSR                          0x68
 225 #define         PCI_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                            8
 226 #define         LOCAL_INTERRUPT_INPUT_ENABLE                    11
 227 #define         LOCAL_INPUT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE                    15
 228 #define         LOCAL_DMA_CHANNEL_0_INTERRUPT_ENABLE            18
 229 #define         LOCAL_DMA_CHANNEL_1_INTERRUPT_ENABLE            19
 230 #define         DMA_CHANNEL_0_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE                  21
 231 #define         DMA_CHANNEL_1_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE                  22
 232 #define CNTRL                           0x6C
 233 #define         RELOAD_CONFIGURATION_REGISTERS                  29
 234 #define         PCI_ADAPTER_SOFTWARE_RESET                      30
 235 #define DMAMODE0                        0x80
 236 #define         LOCAL_BUS_WIDTH                                 0
 237 #define         INTERNAL_WAIT_STATES                            2
 238 #define         TA_READY_INPUT_ENABLE                           6
 239 #define         LOCAL_BURST_ENABLE                              8
 240 #define         SCATTER_GATHER_MODE                             9
 241 #define         DONE_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                           10
 242 #define         LOCAL_ADDRESSING_MODE                           11
 243 #define         DEMAND_MODE                                     12
 244 #define         DMA_EOT_ENABLE                                  14
 245 #define         FAST_SLOW_TERMINATE_MODE_SELECT                 15
 246 #define         DMA_CHANNEL_INTERRUPT_SELECT                    17
 247 #define DMAPADR0                        0x84
 248 #define DMALADR0                        0x88
 249 #define DMASIZ0                         0x8c
 250 #define DMADPR0                         0x90
 251 #define         DESCRIPTOR_LOCATION                             0
 252 #define         END_OF_CHAIN                                    1
 253 #define         INTERRUPT_AFTER_TERMINAL_COUNT                  2
 254 #define         DIRECTION_OF_TRANSFER                           3
 255 #define DMACSR0                         0xa8
 256 #define         CHANNEL_ENABLE                                  0
 257 #define         CHANNEL_START                                   1
 258 #define         CHANNEL_ABORT                                   2
 259 #define         CHANNEL_CLEAR_INTERRUPT                         3
 260 #define         CHANNEL_DONE                                    4
 261 #define DMATHR                          0xb0
 262 #define LBRD1                           0xf8
 263 #define         MEMORY_SPACE_LOCAL_BUS_WIDTH                    0
 264 #define         W8_BIT                                          0
 265 #define         W16_BIT                                         1
 267 /* Special OR'ing of INTCSR bits */
 269         ((1 << LOCAL_INPUT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE) | \
 270          (1 << LOCAL_INTERRUPT_INPUT_ENABLE))
 272 #define DMA_CHANNEL_0_TEST \
 273         ((1 << DMA_CHANNEL_0_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE) | \
 276 #define DMA_CHANNEL_1_TEST \
 277         ((1 << DMA_CHANNEL_1_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE) | \
 280 /* EPLD Registers */
 281 #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER1                   0x00000000
 282 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_RESET                      0
 283 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_POWERDOWN                  1
 284 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_WAKEUP                     2
 285 #define         RDK_EPLD_USB_EOT                        3
 286 #define         RDK_EPLD_DPPULL                         4
 287 #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER2                   0x00000004
 288 #define         RDK_EPLD_BUSWIDTH                       0
 289 #define         RDK_EPLD_USER                           2
 290 #define         RDK_EPLD_RESET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE         3
 291 #define         RDK_EPLD_DMA_TIMEOUT_ENABLE             4
 292 #define RDK_EPLD_STATUS_REGISTER                0x00000008
 293 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_LRESET                             0
 294 #define RDK_EPLD_REVISION_REGISTER              0x0000000c
 296 #define EPLD_IO_CONTROL_REGISTER                0x400
 297 #define         NET2272_RESET                           0
 298 #define         BUSWIDTH                                1
 299 #define         MPX_MODE                                3
 300 #define         USER                                    4
 301 #define         DMA_TIMEOUT_ENABLE                      5
 302 #define         DMA_CTL_DACK                            6
 303 #define         EPLD_DMA_ENABLE                         7
 304 #define EPLD_DMA_CONTROL_REGISTER               0x800
 305 #define         SPLIT_DMA_MODE                          0
 306 #define         SPLIT_DMA_DIRECTION                     1
 307 #define         SPLIT_DMA_ENABLE                        2
 308 #define         SPLIT_DMA_INTERRUPT_ENABLE              3
 309 #define         SPLIT_DMA_INTERRUPT                     4
 310 #define         EPLD_DMA_MODE                           5
 311 #define         EPLD_DMA_CONTROLLER_ENABLE              7
 312 #define SPLIT_DMA_ADDRESS_LOW                   0xc00
 313 #define SPLIT_DMA_ADDRESS_HIGH                  0x1000
 314 #define SPLIT_DMA_BYTE_COUNT_LOW                0x1400
 315 #define SPLIT_DMA_BYTE_COUNT_HIGH               0x1800
 316 #define EPLD_REVISION_REGISTER                  0x1c00
 317 #define SPLIT_DMA_RAM                           0x4000
 318 #define DMA_RAM_SIZE                            0x1000
 320 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 322 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RDK2      0x3272
 324 /* PCI-RDK version 2 registers */
 326 /* Main Control Registers */
 328 #define RDK2_IRQENB                     0x00
 329 #define RDK2_IRQSTAT                    0x04
 330 #define         PB7                             23
 331 #define         PB6                             22
 332 #define         PB5                             21
 333 #define         PB4                             20
 334 #define         PB3                             19
 335 #define         PB2                             18
 336 #define         PB1                             17
 337 #define         PB0                             16
 338 #define         GP3                             23
 339 #define         GP2                             23
 340 #define         GP1                             23
 341 #define         GP0                             23
 342 #define         DMA_RETRY_ABORT                 6
 343 #define         DMA_PAUSE_DONE                  5
 344 #define         DMA_ABORT_DONE                  4
 345 #define         DMA_OUT_FIFO_TRANSFER_DONE      3
 346 #define         DMA_LOCAL_DONE                  2
 347 #define         DMA_PCI_DONE                    1
 348 #define         NET2272_PCI_IRQ                 0
 350 #define RDK2_LOCCTLRDK                  0x08
 351 #define         CHIP_RESET                      3
 352 #define         SPLIT_DMA                       2
 353 #define         MULTIPLEX_MODE                  1
 354 #define         BUS_WIDTH                       0
 356 #define RDK2_GPIOCTL                    0x10
 357 #define         GP3_OUT_ENABLE                                  7
 358 #define         GP2_OUT_ENABLE                                  6
 359 #define         GP1_OUT_ENABLE                                  5
 360 #define         GP0_OUT_ENABLE                                  4
 361 #define         GP3_DATA                                        3
 362 #define         GP2_DATA                                        2
 363 #define         GP1_DATA                                        1
 364 #define         GP0_DATA                                        0
 366 #define RDK2_LEDSW                      0x14
 367 #define         LED3                            27
 368 #define         LED2                            26
 369 #define         LED1                            25
 370 #define         LED0                            24
 371 #define         PBUTTON                         16
 372 #define         DIPSW                           0
 374 #define RDK2_DIAG                       0x18
 375 #define         RDK2_FAST_TIMES                         2
 376 #define         FORCE_PCI_SERR                          1
 377 #define         FORCE_PCI_INT                           0
 378 #define RDK2_FPGAREV                    0x1C
 380 /* Dma Control registers */
 381 #define RDK2_DMACTL                     0x80
 382 #define         ADDR_HOLD                               24
 383 #define         RETRY_COUNT                             16      /* 23:16 */
 384 #define         FIFO_THRESHOLD                          11      /* 15:11 */
 385 #define         MEM_WRITE_INVALIDATE                    10
 386 #define         READ_MULTIPLE                           9
 387 #define         READ_LINE                               8
 388 #define         RDK2_DMA_MODE                           6       /* 7:6 */
 389 #define         CONTROL_DACK                            5
 390 #define         EOT_ENABLE                              4
 391 #define         EOT_POLARITY                            3
 392 #define         DACK_POLARITY                           2
 393 #define         DREQ_POLARITY                           1
 394 #define         DMA_ENABLE                              0
 396 #define RDK2_DMASTAT                    0x84
 397 #define         GATHER_COUNT                            12      /* 14:12 */
 398 #define         FIFO_COUNT                              6       /* 11:6 */
 399 #define         FIFO_FLUSH                              5
 400 #define         FIFO_TRANSFER                           4
 401 #define         PAUSE_DONE                              3
 402 #define         ABORT_DONE                              2
 403 #define         DMA_ABORT                               1
 404 #define         DMA_START                               0
 406 #define RDK2_DMAPCICOUNT                0x88
 407 #define         DMA_DIRECTION                           31
 408 #define         DMA_PCI_BYTE_COUNT                      0       /* 0:23 */
 410 #define RDK2_DMALOCCOUNT                0x8C    /* 0:23 dma local byte count */
 412 #define RDK2_DMAADDR                    0x90    /* 2:31 PCI bus starting address */
 414 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 416 #define REG_INDEXED_THRESHOLD   (1 << 5)
 419 struct net2272_ep {
 420         struct usb_ep ep;
 421         struct net2272 *dev;
 422         unsigned long irqs;
 424         /* analogous to a host-side qh */
 425         struct list_head queue;
 426         const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *desc;
 427         unsigned num:8,
 428                  fifo_size:12,
 429                  stopped:1,
 430                  wedged:1,
 431                  is_in:1,
 432                  is_iso:1,
 433                  dma:1,
 434                  not_empty:1;
 435 };
 437 struct net2272 {
 438         /* each device provides one gadget, several endpoints */
 439         struct usb_gadget gadget;
 440         struct device *dev;
 441         unsigned short dev_id;
 443         spinlock_t lock;
 444         struct net2272_ep ep[4];
 445         struct usb_gadget_driver *driver;
 446         unsigned protocol_stall:1,
 447                  softconnect:1,
 448                  wakeup:1,
 449                  dma_eot_polarity:1,
 450                  dma_dack_polarity:1,
 451                  dma_dreq_polarity:1,
 452                  dma_busy:1;
 453         u16 chiprev;
 454         u8 pagesel;
 456         unsigned int irq;
 457         unsigned short fifo_mode;
 459         unsigned int base_shift;
 460         u16 __iomem *base_addr;
 461         union {
 462 #ifdef CONFIG_USB_PCI
 463                 struct {
 464                         void __iomem *plx9054_base_addr;
 465                         void __iomem *epld_base_addr;
 466                 } rdk1;
 467                 struct {
 468                         /* Bar0, Bar1 is base_addr both mem-mapped */
 469                         void __iomem *fpga_base_addr;
 470                 } rdk2;
 471 #endif
 472         };
 473 };
 475 static void __iomem *
 476 net2272_reg_addr(struct net2272 *dev, unsigned int reg)
 477 {
 478         return dev->base_addr + (reg << dev->base_shift);
 479 }
 481 static void
 482 net2272_write(struct net2272 *dev, unsigned int reg, u8 value)
 483 {
 484         if (reg >= REG_INDEXED_THRESHOLD) {
 485                 /*
 486                  * Indexed register; use REGADDRPTR/REGDATA
 487                  *  - Save and restore REGADDRPTR. This prevents REGADDRPTR from
 488                  *    changes between other code sections, but it is time consuming.
 489                  *  - Performance tips: either do not save and restore REGADDRPTR (if it
 490                  *    is safe) or do save/restore operations only in critical sections.
 491                 u8 tmp = readb(dev->base_addr + REGADDRPTR);
 492                  */
 493                 writeb((u8)reg, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR));
 494                 writeb(value, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGDATA));
 495                 /* writeb(tmp, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR)); */
 496         } else
 497                 writeb(value, net2272_reg_addr(dev, reg));
 498 }
 500 static u8
 501 net2272_read(struct net2272 *dev, unsigned int reg)
 502 {
 503         u8 ret;
 505         if (reg >= REG_INDEXED_THRESHOLD) {
 506                 /*
 507                  * Indexed register; use REGADDRPTR/REGDATA
 508                  *  - Save and restore REGADDRPTR. This prevents REGADDRPTR from
 509                  *    changes between other code sections, but it is time consuming.
 510                  *  - Performance tips: either do not save and restore REGADDRPTR (if it
 511                  *    is safe) or do save/restore operations only in critical sections.
 512                 u8 tmp = readb(dev->base_addr + REGADDRPTR);
 513                  */
 514                 writeb((u8)reg, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR));
 515                 ret = readb(net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGDATA));
 516                 /* writeb(tmp, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR)); */
 517         } else
 518                 ret = readb(net2272_reg_addr(dev, reg));
 520         return ret;
 521 }
 523 static void
 524 net2272_ep_write(struct net2272_ep *ep, unsigned int reg, u8 value)
 525 {
 526         struct net2272 *dev = ep->dev;
 528         if (dev->pagesel != ep->num) {
 529                 net2272_write(dev, PAGESEL, ep->num);
 530                 dev->pagesel = ep->num;
 531         }
 532         net2272_write(dev, reg, value);
 533 }
 535 static u8
 536 net2272_ep_read(struct net2272_ep *ep, unsigned int reg)
 537 {
 538         struct net2272 *dev = ep->dev;
 540         if (dev->pagesel != ep->num) {
 541                 net2272_write(dev, PAGESEL, ep->num);
 542                 dev->pagesel = ep->num;
 543         }
 544         return net2272_read(dev, reg);
 545 }
 547 static void allow_status(struct net2272_ep *ep)
 548 {
 549         /* ep0 only */
 550         net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPCLR,
 551                 (1 << CONTROL_STATUS_PHASE_HANDSHAKE) |
 552                 (1 << ALT_NAK_OUT_PACKETS) |
 553                 (1 << NAK_OUT_PACKETS_MODE));
 554         ep->stopped = 1;
 555 }
 557 static void set_halt(struct net2272_ep *ep)
 558 {
 559         /* ep0 and bulk/intr endpoints */
 560         net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPCLR, 1 << CONTROL_STATUS_PHASE_HANDSHAKE);
 561         net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPSET, 1 << ENDPOINT_HALT);
 562 }
 564 static void clear_halt(struct net2272_ep *ep)
 565 {
 566         /* ep0 and bulk/intr endpoints */
 567         net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPCLR,
 568                 (1 << ENDPOINT_HALT) | (1 << ENDPOINT_TOGGLE));
 569 }
 571 /* count (<= 4) bytes in the next fifo write will be valid */
 572 static void set_fifo_bytecount(struct net2272_ep *ep, unsigned count)
 573 {
 574         /* net2272_ep_write will truncate to u8 for us */
 575         net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_TRANSFER2, count >> 16);
 576         net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_TRANSFER1, count >> 8);
 577         net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_TRANSFER0, count);
 578 }
 580 struct net2272_request {
 581         struct usb_request req;
 582         struct list_head queue;
 583         unsigned mapped:1,
 584                  valid:1;
 585 };
 587 #endif

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */