
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. bgmac_read
  2. bgmac_write
  3. bgmac_idm_read
  4. bgmac_idm_write
  5. bgmac_clk_enabled
  6. bgmac_clk_enable
  7. bgmac_cco_ctl_maskset
  8. bgmac_get_bus_clock
  9. bgmac_cmn_maskset32
  10. bgmac_maskset
  11. bgmac_mask
  12. bgmac_set
  13. bgmac_phy_connect

   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
   2 #ifndef _BGMAC_H
   3 #define _BGMAC_H
   5 #include <linux/netdevice.h>
   7 #define BGMAC_DEV_CTL                           0x000
   8 #define  BGMAC_DC_TSM                           0x00000002
   9 #define  BGMAC_DC_CFCO                          0x00000004
  10 #define  BGMAC_DC_RLSS                          0x00000008
  11 #define  BGMAC_DC_MROR                          0x00000010
  12 #define  BGMAC_DC_FCM_MASK                      0x00000060
  13 #define  BGMAC_DC_FCM_SHIFT                     5
  14 #define  BGMAC_DC_NAE                           0x00000080
  15 #define  BGMAC_DC_TF                            0x00000100
  16 #define  BGMAC_DC_RDS_MASK                      0x00030000
  17 #define  BGMAC_DC_RDS_SHIFT                     16
  18 #define  BGMAC_DC_TDS_MASK                      0x000c0000
  19 #define  BGMAC_DC_TDS_SHIFT                     18
  20 #define BGMAC_DEV_STATUS                        0x004           /* Configuration of the interface */
  21 #define  BGMAC_DS_RBF                           0x00000001
  22 #define  BGMAC_DS_RDF                           0x00000002
  23 #define  BGMAC_DS_RIF                           0x00000004
  24 #define  BGMAC_DS_TBF                           0x00000008
  25 #define  BGMAC_DS_TDF                           0x00000010
  26 #define  BGMAC_DS_TIF                           0x00000020
  27 #define  BGMAC_DS_PO                            0x00000040
  28 #define  BGMAC_DS_MM_MASK                       0x00000300      /* Mode of the interface */
  29 #define  BGMAC_DS_MM_SHIFT                      8
  30 #define BGMAC_BIST_STATUS                       0x00c
  31 #define BGMAC_INT_STATUS                        0x020           /* Interrupt status */
  32 #define  BGMAC_IS_MRO                           0x00000001
  33 #define  BGMAC_IS_MTO                           0x00000002
  34 #define  BGMAC_IS_TFD                           0x00000004
  35 #define  BGMAC_IS_LS                            0x00000008
  36 #define  BGMAC_IS_MDIO                          0x00000010
  37 #define  BGMAC_IS_MR                            0x00000020
  38 #define  BGMAC_IS_MT                            0x00000040
  39 #define  BGMAC_IS_TO                            0x00000080
  40 #define  BGMAC_IS_DESC_ERR                      0x00000400      /* Descriptor error */
  41 #define  BGMAC_IS_DATA_ERR                      0x00000800      /* Data error */
  42 #define  BGMAC_IS_DESC_PROT_ERR                 0x00001000      /* Descriptor protocol error */
  43 #define  BGMAC_IS_RX_DESC_UNDERF                0x00002000      /* Receive descriptor underflow */
  44 #define  BGMAC_IS_RX_F_OVERF                    0x00004000      /* Receive FIFO overflow */
  45 #define  BGMAC_IS_TX_F_UNDERF                   0x00008000      /* Transmit FIFO underflow */
  46 #define  BGMAC_IS_RX                            0x00010000      /* Interrupt for RX queue 0 */
  47 #define  BGMAC_IS_TX0                           0x01000000      /* Interrupt for TX queue 0 */
  48 #define  BGMAC_IS_TX1                           0x02000000      /* Interrupt for TX queue 1 */
  49 #define  BGMAC_IS_TX2                           0x04000000      /* Interrupt for TX queue 2 */
  50 #define  BGMAC_IS_TX3                           0x08000000      /* Interrupt for TX queue 3 */
  51 #define  BGMAC_IS_TX_MASK                       0x0f000000
  52 #define  BGMAC_IS_INTMASK                       0x0f01fcff
  53 #define  BGMAC_IS_ERRMASK                       0x0000fc00
  54 #define BGMAC_INT_MASK                          0x024           /* Interrupt mask */
  55 #define BGMAC_GP_TIMER                          0x028
  56 #define BGMAC_INT_RECV_LAZY                     0x100
  57 #define  BGMAC_IRL_TO_MASK                      0x00ffffff
  58 #define  BGMAC_IRL_FC_MASK                      0xff000000
  59 #define  BGMAC_IRL_FC_SHIFT                     24              /* Shift the number of interrupts triggered per received frame */
  60 #define BGMAC_FLOW_CTL_THRESH                   0x104           /* Flow control thresholds */
  61 #define BGMAC_WRRTHRESH                         0x108
  62 #define BGMAC_GMAC_IDLE_CNT_THRESH              0x10c
  63 #define BGMAC_PHY_ACCESS                        0x180           /* PHY access address */
  64 #define  BGMAC_PA_DATA_MASK                     0x0000ffff
  65 #define  BGMAC_PA_ADDR_MASK                     0x001f0000
  66 #define  BGMAC_PA_ADDR_SHIFT                    16
  67 #define  BGMAC_PA_REG_MASK                      0x1f000000
  68 #define  BGMAC_PA_REG_SHIFT                     24
  69 #define  BGMAC_PA_WRITE                         0x20000000
  70 #define  BGMAC_PA_START                         0x40000000
  71 #define BGMAC_PHY_CNTL                          0x188           /* PHY control address */
  72 #define  BGMAC_PC_EPA_MASK                      0x0000001f
  73 #define  BGMAC_PC_MCT_MASK                      0x007f0000
  74 #define  BGMAC_PC_MCT_SHIFT                     16
  75 #define  BGMAC_PC_MTE                           0x00800000
  76 #define BGMAC_TXQ_CTL                           0x18c
  77 #define  BGMAC_TXQ_CTL_DBT_MASK                 0x00000fff
  78 #define  BGMAC_TXQ_CTL_DBT_SHIFT                0
  79 #define BGMAC_RXQ_CTL                           0x190
  80 #define  BGMAC_RXQ_CTL_DBT_MASK                 0x00000fff
  81 #define  BGMAC_RXQ_CTL_DBT_SHIFT                0
  82 #define  BGMAC_RXQ_CTL_PTE                      0x00001000
  83 #define  BGMAC_RXQ_CTL_MDP_MASK                 0x3f000000
  84 #define  BGMAC_RXQ_CTL_MDP_SHIFT                24
  85 #define BGMAC_GPIO_SELECT                       0x194
  86 #define BGMAC_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN                    0x198
  88 /* For 0x1e0 see BCMA_CLKCTLST. Below are BGMAC specific bits */
  89 #define  BGMAC_BCMA_CLKCTLST_MISC_PLL_REQ       0x00000100
  90 #define  BGMAC_BCMA_CLKCTLST_MISC_PLL_ST        0x01000000
  92 #define BGMAC_HW_WAR                            0x1e4
  93 #define BGMAC_PWR_CTL                           0x1e8
  94 #define BGMAC_DMA_BASE0                         0x200           /* Tx and Rx controller */
  95 #define BGMAC_DMA_BASE1                         0x240           /* Tx controller only */
  96 #define BGMAC_DMA_BASE2                         0x280           /* Tx controller only */
  97 #define BGMAC_DMA_BASE3                         0x2C0           /* Tx controller only */
  98 #define BGMAC_TX_GOOD_OCTETS                    0x300
  99 #define BGMAC_TX_GOOD_OCTETS_HIGH               0x304
 100 #define BGMAC_TX_GOOD_PKTS                      0x308
 101 #define BGMAC_TX_OCTETS                         0x30c
 102 #define BGMAC_TX_OCTETS_HIGH                    0x310
 103 #define BGMAC_TX_PKTS                           0x314
 104 #define BGMAC_TX_BROADCAST_PKTS                 0x318
 105 #define BGMAC_TX_MULTICAST_PKTS                 0x31c
 106 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_64                         0x320
 107 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_65_TO_127                  0x324
 108 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_128_TO_255                 0x328
 109 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_256_TO_511                 0x32c
 110 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_512_TO_1023                0x330
 111 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_1024_TO_1522               0x334
 112 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_1523_TO_2047               0x338
 113 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_2048_TO_4095               0x33c
 114 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_4096_TO_8191               0x340
 115 #define BGMAC_TX_LEN_8192_TO_MAX                0x344
 116 #define BGMAC_TX_JABBER_PKTS                    0x348           /* Error */
 117 #define BGMAC_TX_OVERSIZE_PKTS                  0x34c           /* Error */
 118 #define BGMAC_TX_FRAGMENT_PKTS                  0x350
 119 #define BGMAC_TX_UNDERRUNS                      0x354           /* Error */
 120 #define BGMAC_TX_TOTAL_COLS                     0x358
 121 #define BGMAC_TX_SINGLE_COLS                    0x35c
 122 #define BGMAC_TX_MULTIPLE_COLS                  0x360
 123 #define BGMAC_TX_EXCESSIVE_COLS                 0x364           /* Error */
 124 #define BGMAC_TX_LATE_COLS                      0x368           /* Error */
 125 #define BGMAC_TX_DEFERED                        0x36c
 126 #define BGMAC_TX_CARRIER_LOST                   0x370
 127 #define BGMAC_TX_PAUSE_PKTS                     0x374
 128 #define BGMAC_TX_UNI_PKTS                       0x378
 129 #define BGMAC_TX_Q0_PKTS                        0x37c
 130 #define BGMAC_TX_Q0_OCTETS                      0x380
 131 #define BGMAC_TX_Q0_OCTETS_HIGH                 0x384
 132 #define BGMAC_TX_Q1_PKTS                        0x388
 133 #define BGMAC_TX_Q1_OCTETS                      0x38c
 134 #define BGMAC_TX_Q1_OCTETS_HIGH                 0x390
 135 #define BGMAC_TX_Q2_PKTS                        0x394
 136 #define BGMAC_TX_Q2_OCTETS                      0x398
 137 #define BGMAC_TX_Q2_OCTETS_HIGH                 0x39c
 138 #define BGMAC_TX_Q3_PKTS                        0x3a0
 139 #define BGMAC_TX_Q3_OCTETS                      0x3a4
 140 #define BGMAC_TX_Q3_OCTETS_HIGH                 0x3a8
 141 #define BGMAC_RX_GOOD_OCTETS                    0x3b0
 142 #define BGMAC_RX_GOOD_OCTETS_HIGH               0x3b4
 143 #define BGMAC_RX_GOOD_PKTS                      0x3b8
 144 #define BGMAC_RX_OCTETS                         0x3bc
 145 #define BGMAC_RX_OCTETS_HIGH                    0x3c0
 146 #define BGMAC_RX_PKTS                           0x3c4
 147 #define BGMAC_RX_BROADCAST_PKTS                 0x3c8
 148 #define BGMAC_RX_MULTICAST_PKTS                 0x3cc
 149 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_64                         0x3d0
 150 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_65_TO_127                  0x3d4
 151 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_128_TO_255                 0x3d8
 152 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_256_TO_511                 0x3dc
 153 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_512_TO_1023                0x3e0
 154 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_1024_TO_1522               0x3e4
 155 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_1523_TO_2047               0x3e8
 156 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_2048_TO_4095               0x3ec
 157 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_4096_TO_8191               0x3f0
 158 #define BGMAC_RX_LEN_8192_TO_MAX                0x3f4
 159 #define BGMAC_RX_JABBER_PKTS                    0x3f8           /* Error */
 160 #define BGMAC_RX_OVERSIZE_PKTS                  0x3fc           /* Error */
 161 #define BGMAC_RX_FRAGMENT_PKTS                  0x400
 162 #define BGMAC_RX_MISSED_PKTS                    0x404           /* Error */
 163 #define BGMAC_RX_CRC_ALIGN_ERRS                 0x408           /* Error */
 164 #define BGMAC_RX_UNDERSIZE                      0x40c           /* Error */
 165 #define BGMAC_RX_CRC_ERRS                       0x410           /* Error */
 166 #define BGMAC_RX_ALIGN_ERRS                     0x414           /* Error */
 167 #define BGMAC_RX_SYMBOL_ERRS                    0x418           /* Error */
 168 #define BGMAC_RX_PAUSE_PKTS                     0x41c
 169 #define BGMAC_RX_NONPAUSE_PKTS                  0x420
 170 #define BGMAC_RX_SACHANGES                      0x424
 171 #define BGMAC_RX_UNI_PKTS                       0x428
 172 #define BGMAC_UNIMAC_VERSION                    0x800
 173 #define BGMAC_HDBKP_CTL                         0x804
 174 #define BGMAC_CMDCFG                            0x808           /* Configuration */
 175 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_TE                        0x00000001      /* Set to activate TX */
 176 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_RE                        0x00000002      /* Set to activate RX */
 177 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_ES_MASK                   0x0000000c      /* Ethernet speed see gmac_speed */
 178 #define   BGMAC_CMDCFG_ES_10                    0x00000000
 179 #define   BGMAC_CMDCFG_ES_100                   0x00000004
 180 #define   BGMAC_CMDCFG_ES_1000                  0x00000008
 181 #define   BGMAC_CMDCFG_ES_2500                  0x0000000C
 182 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_PROM                      0x00000010      /* Set to activate promiscuous mode */
 183 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_PAD_EN                    0x00000020
 184 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_CF                        0x00000040
 185 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_PF                        0x00000080
 186 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_RPI                       0x00000100      /* Unset to enable 802.3x tx flow control */
 187 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_TAI                       0x00000200
 188 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_HD                        0x00000400      /* Set if in half duplex mode */
 189 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_HD_SHIFT                  10
 190 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_SR_REV0                   0x00000800      /* Set to reset mode, for core rev 0-3 */
 191 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_SR_REV4                   0x00002000      /* Set to reset mode, for core rev >= 4 */
 192 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_ML                        0x00008000      /* Set to activate mac loopback mode */
 193 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_AE                        0x00400000
 194 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_CFE                       0x00800000
 195 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_NLC                       0x01000000
 196 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_RL                        0x02000000
 197 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_RED                       0x04000000
 198 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_PE                        0x08000000
 199 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_TPI                       0x10000000
 200 #define  BGMAC_CMDCFG_AT                        0x20000000
 201 #define BGMAC_MACADDR_HIGH                      0x80c           /* High 4 octets of own mac address */
 202 #define BGMAC_MACADDR_LOW                       0x810           /* Low 2 octets of own mac address */
 203 #define BGMAC_RXMAX_LENGTH                      0x814           /* Max receive frame length with vlan tag */
 204 #define BGMAC_PAUSEQUANTA                       0x818
 205 #define BGMAC_MAC_MODE                          0x844
 206 #define BGMAC_OUTERTAG                          0x848
 207 #define BGMAC_INNERTAG                          0x84c
 208 #define BGMAC_TXIPG                             0x85c
 209 #define BGMAC_PAUSE_CTL                         0xb30
 210 #define BGMAC_TX_FLUSH                          0xb34
 211 #define BGMAC_RX_STATUS                         0xb38
 212 #define BGMAC_TX_STATUS                         0xb3c
 214 /* BCMA GMAC core specific IO Control (BCMA_IOCTL) flags */
 215 #define BGMAC_BCMA_IOCTL_SW_CLKEN               0x00000004      /* PHY Clock Enable */
 216 #define BGMAC_BCMA_IOCTL_SW_RESET               0x00000008      /* PHY Reset */
 217 /* The IOCTL values appear to be different in NS, NSP, and NS2, and do not match
 218  * the values directly above
 219  */
 220 #define BGMAC_CLK_EN                            BIT(0)
 221 #define BGMAC_RESERVED_0                        BIT(1)
 222 #define BGMAC_SOURCE_SYNC_MODE_EN               BIT(2)
 223 #define BGMAC_DEST_SYNC_MODE_EN                 BIT(3)
 224 #define BGMAC_TX_CLK_OUT_INVERT_EN              BIT(4)
 225 #define BGMAC_DIRECT_GMII_MODE                  BIT(5)
 226 #define BGMAC_CLK_250_SEL                       BIT(6)
 227 #define BGMAC_AWCACHE                           (0xf << 7)
 228 #define BGMAC_RESERVED_1                        (0x1f << 11)
 229 #define BGMAC_ARCACHE                           (0xf << 16)
 230 #define BGMAC_AWUSER                            (0x3f << 20)
 231 #define BGMAC_ARUSER                            (0x3f << 26)
 232 #define BGMAC_RESERVED                          BIT(31)
 234 /* BCMA GMAC core specific IO status (BCMA_IOST) flags */
 235 #define BGMAC_BCMA_IOST_ATTACHED                0x00000800
 237 #define BGMAC_NUM_MIB_TX_REGS   \
 238                 (((BGMAC_TX_Q3_OCTETS_HIGH - BGMAC_TX_GOOD_OCTETS) / 4) + 1)
 239 #define BGMAC_NUM_MIB_RX_REGS   \
 240                 (((BGMAC_RX_UNI_PKTS - BGMAC_RX_GOOD_OCTETS) / 4) + 1)
 242 #define BGMAC_DMA_TX_CTL                        0x00
 243 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_ENABLE                    0x00000001
 244 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_SUSPEND                   0x00000002
 245 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_LOOPBACK                  0x00000004
 246 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_FLUSH                     0x00000010
 247 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_MR_MASK                   0x000000C0      /* Multiple outstanding reads */
 248 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_MR_SHIFT                  6
 249 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_MR_1                     0
 250 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_MR_2                     1
 251 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_PARITY_DISABLE            0x00000800
 252 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_ADDREXT_MASK              0x00030000
 253 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_ADDREXT_SHIFT             16
 254 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_MASK                   0x001C0000      /* BurstLen bits */
 255 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_SHIFT                  18
 256 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_16                    0
 257 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_32                    1
 258 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_64                    2
 259 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_128                   3
 260 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_256                   4
 261 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_512                   5
 262 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_BL_1024                  6
 263 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_PC_MASK                   0x00E00000      /* Prefetch control */
 264 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_PC_SHIFT                  21
 265 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PC_0                     0
 266 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PC_4                     1
 267 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PC_8                     2
 268 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PC_16                    3
 269 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_PT_MASK                   0x03000000      /* Prefetch threshold */
 270 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_PT_SHIFT                  24
 271 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PT_1                     0
 272 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PT_2                     1
 273 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PT_4                     2
 274 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_PT_8                     3
 275 #define BGMAC_DMA_TX_INDEX                      0x04
 276 #define BGMAC_DMA_TX_RINGLO                     0x08
 277 #define BGMAC_DMA_TX_RINGHI                     0x0C
 278 #define BGMAC_DMA_TX_STATUS                     0x10
 279 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_STATDPTR                  0x00001FFF
 280 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_STAT                      0xF0000000
 281 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_STAT_DISABLED            0x00000000
 282 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_STAT_ACTIVE              0x10000000
 283 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_STAT_IDLEWAIT            0x20000000
 284 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_STAT_STOPPED             0x30000000
 285 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_STAT_SUSP                0x40000000
 286 #define BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERROR                      0x14
 287 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERRDPTR                   0x0001FFFF
 288 #define  BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERR                       0xF0000000
 289 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERR_NOERR                0x00000000
 290 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERR_PROT                 0x10000000
 291 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERR_UNDERRUN             0x20000000
 292 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERR_TRANSFER             0x30000000
 293 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERR_DESCREAD             0x40000000
 294 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_ERR_CORE                 0x50000000
 295 #define BGMAC_DMA_RX_CTL                        0x20
 296 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_ENABLE                    0x00000001
 297 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_FRAME_OFFSET_MASK         0x000000FE
 298 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_FRAME_OFFSET_SHIFT        1
 299 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_DIRECT_FIFO               0x00000100
 300 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_OVERFLOW_CONT             0x00000400
 301 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_PARITY_DISABLE            0x00000800
 302 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_MR_MASK                   0x000000C0      /* Multiple outstanding reads */
 303 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_MR_SHIFT                  6
 304 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_MR_1                     0
 305 #define   BGMAC_DMA_TX_MR_2                     1
 306 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_ADDREXT_MASK              0x00030000
 307 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_ADDREXT_SHIFT             16
 308 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_MASK                   0x001C0000      /* BurstLen bits */
 309 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_SHIFT                  18
 310 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_16                    0
 311 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_32                    1
 312 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_64                    2
 313 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_128                   3
 314 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_256                   4
 315 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_512                   5
 316 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_BL_1024                  6
 317 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_PC_MASK                   0x00E00000      /* Prefetch control */
 318 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_PC_SHIFT                  21
 319 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PC_0                     0
 320 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PC_4                     1
 321 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PC_8                     2
 322 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PC_16                    3
 323 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_PT_MASK                   0x03000000      /* Prefetch threshold */
 324 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_PT_SHIFT                  24
 325 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PT_1                     0
 326 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PT_2                     1
 327 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PT_4                     2
 328 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_PT_8                     3
 329 #define BGMAC_DMA_RX_INDEX                      0x24
 330 #define BGMAC_DMA_RX_RINGLO                     0x28
 331 #define BGMAC_DMA_RX_RINGHI                     0x2C
 332 #define BGMAC_DMA_RX_STATUS                     0x30
 333 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_STATDPTR                  0x00001FFF
 334 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_STAT                      0xF0000000
 335 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_STAT_DISABLED            0x00000000
 336 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_STAT_ACTIVE              0x10000000
 337 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_STAT_IDLEWAIT            0x20000000
 338 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_STAT_STOPPED             0x30000000
 339 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_STAT_SUSP                0x40000000
 340 #define BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERROR                      0x34
 341 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERRDPTR                   0x0001FFFF
 342 #define  BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERR                       0xF0000000
 343 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERR_NOERR                0x00000000
 344 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERR_PROT                 0x10000000
 345 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERR_UNDERRUN             0x20000000
 346 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERR_TRANSFER             0x30000000
 347 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERR_DESCREAD             0x40000000
 348 #define   BGMAC_DMA_RX_ERR_CORE                 0x50000000
 350 #define BGMAC_DESC_CTL0_EOT                     0x10000000      /* End of ring */
 351 #define BGMAC_DESC_CTL0_IOC                     0x20000000      /* IRQ on complete */
 352 #define BGMAC_DESC_CTL0_EOF                     0x40000000      /* End of frame */
 353 #define BGMAC_DESC_CTL0_SOF                     0x80000000      /* Start of frame */
 354 #define BGMAC_DESC_CTL1_LEN                     0x00001FFF
 356 #define BGMAC_PHY_NOREGS                        BRCM_PSEUDO_PHY_ADDR
 357 #define BGMAC_PHY_MASK                          0x1F
 359 #define BGMAC_MAX_TX_RINGS                      4
 360 #define BGMAC_MAX_RX_RINGS                      1
 362 #define BGMAC_TX_RING_SLOTS                     128
 363 #define BGMAC_RX_RING_SLOTS                     512
 365 #define BGMAC_RX_HEADER_LEN                     28              /* Last 24 bytes are unused. Well... */
 366 #define BGMAC_RX_FRAME_OFFSET                   30              /* There are 2 unused bytes between header and real data */
 367 #define BGMAC_RX_BUF_OFFSET                     (NET_SKB_PAD + NET_IP_ALIGN - \
 368                                                  BGMAC_RX_FRAME_OFFSET)
 369 #define BGMAC_RX_MAX_FRAME_SIZE                 1536            /* Copied from b44/tg3 */
 370 #define BGMAC_RX_BUF_SIZE                       (BGMAC_RX_FRAME_OFFSET + BGMAC_RX_MAX_FRAME_SIZE)
 372                                                  SKB_DATA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct skb_shared_info)))
 374 #define BGMAC_BFL_ENETROBO                      0x0010          /* has ephy roboswitch spi */
 375 #define BGMAC_BFL_ENETADM                       0x0080          /* has ADMtek switch */
 376 #define BGMAC_BFL_ENETVLAN                      0x0100          /* can do vlan */
 378 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_IF_TYPE_MASK            0x00000030
 379 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_IF_TYPE_RMII            0x00000000
 380 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_IF_TYPE_MII             0x00000010
 381 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_IF_TYPE_RGMII           0x00000020
 382 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_SW_TYPE_MASK            0x000000C0
 383 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_SW_TYPE_EPHY            0x00000000
 384 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_SW_TYPE_EPHYMII         0x00000040
 385 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_SW_TYPE_EPHYRMII        0x00000080
 386 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_SW_TYPE_RGMII           0x000000C0
 387 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_1_RXC_DLL_BYPASS          0x00010000
 389 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_IF_TYPE_MASK            0x00003000
 390 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_IF_TYPE_RMII            0x00000000
 391 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_IF_TYPE_MII             0x00001000
 392 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_IF_TYPE_RGMII           0x00002000
 393 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_SW_TYPE_MASK            0x0000C000
 394 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_SW_TYPE_EPHY            0x00000000
 395 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_SW_TYPE_EPHYMII         0x00004000
 396 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_SW_TYPE_EPHYRMII        0x00008000
 397 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_4_SW_TYPE_RGMII           0x0000C000
 399 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_7_IF_TYPE_MASK            0x000000C0
 400 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_7_IF_TYPE_RMII            0x00000000
 401 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_7_IF_TYPE_MII             0x00000040
 402 #define BGMAC_CHIPCTL_7_IF_TYPE_RGMII           0x00000080
 404 #define BGMAC_WEIGHT    64
 408 /* Feature Flags */
 409 #define BGMAC_FEAT_TX_MASK_SETUP        BIT(0)
 410 #define BGMAC_FEAT_RX_MASK_SETUP        BIT(1)
 411 #define BGMAC_FEAT_IOST_ATTACHED        BIT(2)
 412 #define BGMAC_FEAT_NO_RESET             BIT(3)
 413 #define BGMAC_FEAT_MISC_PLL_REQ         BIT(4)
 414 #define BGMAC_FEAT_SW_TYPE_PHY          BIT(5)
 416 #define BGMAC_FEAT_SW_TYPE_RGMII        BIT(7)
 417 #define BGMAC_FEAT_CMN_PHY_CTL          BIT(8)
 418 #define BGMAC_FEAT_FLW_CTRL1            BIT(9)
 419 #define BGMAC_FEAT_FLW_CTRL2            BIT(10)
 420 #define BGMAC_FEAT_SET_RXQ_CLK          BIT(11)
 421 #define BGMAC_FEAT_CLKCTLST             BIT(12)
 422 #define BGMAC_FEAT_NO_CLR_MIB           BIT(13)
 423 #define BGMAC_FEAT_FORCE_SPEED_2500     BIT(14)
 424 #define BGMAC_FEAT_CMDCFG_SR_REV4       BIT(15)
 425 #define BGMAC_FEAT_IRQ_ID_OOB_6         BIT(16)
 426 #define BGMAC_FEAT_CC4_IF_SW_TYPE       BIT(17)
 428 #define BGMAC_FEAT_CC7_IF_TYPE_RGMII    BIT(19)
 429 #define BGMAC_FEAT_IDM_MASK             BIT(20)
 431 struct bgmac_slot_info {
 432         union {
 433                 struct sk_buff *skb;
 434                 void *buf;
 435         };
 436         dma_addr_t dma_addr;
 437 };
 439 struct bgmac_dma_desc {
 440         __le32 ctl0;
 441         __le32 ctl1;
 442         __le32 addr_low;
 443         __le32 addr_high;
 444 } __packed;
 446 enum bgmac_dma_ring_type {
 447         BGMAC_DMA_RING_TX,
 448         BGMAC_DMA_RING_RX,
 449 };
 451 /**
 452  * bgmac_dma_ring - contains info about DMA ring (either TX or RX one)
 453  * @start: index of the first slot containing data
 454  * @end: index of a slot that can *not* be read (yet)
 455  *
 456  * Be really aware of the specific @end meaning. It's an index of a slot *after*
 457  * the one containing data that can be read. If @start equals @end the ring is
 458  * empty.
 459  */
 460 struct bgmac_dma_ring {
 461         u32 start;
 462         u32 end;
 464         struct bgmac_dma_desc *cpu_base;
 465         dma_addr_t dma_base;
 466         u32 index_base; /* Used for unaligned rings only, otherwise 0 */
 467         u16 mmio_base;
 468         bool unaligned;
 470         struct bgmac_slot_info slots[BGMAC_RX_RING_SLOTS];
 471 };
 473 struct bgmac_rx_header {
 474         __le16 len;
 475         __le16 flags;
 476         __le16 pad[12];
 477 };
 479 struct bgmac {
 480         union {
 481                 struct {
 482                         void __iomem *base;
 483                         void __iomem *idm_base;
 484                         void __iomem *nicpm_base;
 485                 } plat;
 486                 struct {
 487                         struct bcma_device *core;
 488                         /* Reference to CMN core for BCM4706 */
 489                         struct bcma_device *cmn;
 490                 } bcma;
 491         };
 493         struct device *dev;
 494         struct device *dma_dev;
 495         u32 feature_flags;
 497         struct net_device *net_dev;
 498         struct napi_struct napi;
 499         struct mii_bus *mii_bus;
 501         /* DMA */
 502         struct bgmac_dma_ring tx_ring[BGMAC_MAX_TX_RINGS];
 503         struct bgmac_dma_ring rx_ring[BGMAC_MAX_RX_RINGS];
 505         /* Stats */
 506         bool stats_grabbed;
 507         u32 mib_tx_regs[BGMAC_NUM_MIB_TX_REGS];
 508         u32 mib_rx_regs[BGMAC_NUM_MIB_RX_REGS];
 510         /* Int */
 511         int irq;
 512         u32 int_mask;
 514         /* Current MAC state */
 515         int mac_speed;
 516         int mac_duplex;
 518         u8 phyaddr;
 519         bool has_robosw;
 521         bool loopback;
 523         u32 (*read)(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset);
 524         void (*write)(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 value);
 525         u32 (*idm_read)(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset);
 526         void (*idm_write)(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 value);
 527         bool (*clk_enabled)(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 528         void (*clk_enable)(struct bgmac *bgmac, u32 flags);
 529         void (*cco_ctl_maskset)(struct bgmac *bgmac, u32 offset, u32 mask,
 530                                 u32 set);
 531         u32 (*get_bus_clock)(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 532         void (*cmn_maskset32)(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 mask,
 533                               u32 set);
 534         int (*phy_connect)(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 535 };
 537 struct bgmac *bgmac_alloc(struct device *dev);
 538 int bgmac_enet_probe(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 539 void bgmac_enet_remove(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 540 void bgmac_adjust_link(struct net_device *net_dev);
 541 int bgmac_phy_connect_direct(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 542 int bgmac_enet_suspend(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 543 int bgmac_enet_resume(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 545 struct mii_bus *bcma_mdio_mii_register(struct bgmac *bgmac);
 546 void bcma_mdio_mii_unregister(struct mii_bus *mii_bus);
 548 static inline u32 bgmac_read(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset)
 549 {
 550         return bgmac->read(bgmac, offset);
 551 }
 553 static inline void bgmac_write(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 value)
 554 {
 555         bgmac->write(bgmac, offset, value);
 556 }
 558 static inline u32 bgmac_idm_read(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset)
 559 {
 560         return bgmac->idm_read(bgmac, offset);
 561 }
 563 static inline void bgmac_idm_write(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 value)
 564 {
 565         bgmac->idm_write(bgmac, offset, value);
 566 }
 568 static inline bool bgmac_clk_enabled(struct bgmac *bgmac)
 569 {
 570         return bgmac->clk_enabled(bgmac);
 571 }
 573 static inline void bgmac_clk_enable(struct bgmac *bgmac, u32 flags)
 574 {
 575         bgmac->clk_enable(bgmac, flags);
 576 }
 578 static inline void bgmac_cco_ctl_maskset(struct bgmac *bgmac, u32 offset,
 579                                          u32 mask, u32 set)
 580 {
 581         bgmac->cco_ctl_maskset(bgmac, offset, mask, set);
 582 }
 584 static inline u32 bgmac_get_bus_clock(struct bgmac *bgmac)
 585 {
 586         return bgmac->get_bus_clock(bgmac);
 587 }
 589 static inline void bgmac_cmn_maskset32(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset,
 590                                        u32 mask, u32 set)
 591 {
 592         bgmac->cmn_maskset32(bgmac, offset, mask, set);
 593 }
 595 static inline void bgmac_maskset(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 mask,
 596                                    u32 set)
 597 {
 598         bgmac_write(bgmac, offset, (bgmac_read(bgmac, offset) & mask) | set);
 599 }
 601 static inline void bgmac_mask(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 mask)
 602 {
 603         bgmac_maskset(bgmac, offset, mask, 0);
 604 }
 606 static inline void bgmac_set(struct bgmac *bgmac, u16 offset, u32 set)
 607 {
 608         bgmac_maskset(bgmac, offset, ~0, set);
 609 }
 611 static inline int bgmac_phy_connect(struct bgmac *bgmac)
 612 {
 613         return bgmac->phy_connect(bgmac);
 614 }
 615 #endif /* _BGMAC_H */

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